Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm going to WV.... TICKS!

Well, it is May 21, 2009 and I have been packing,
(to quote Tam)

“like it’s my job and I’m good at it.”

At this point I am just astonished that it is the end of my sophomore year of college. After working at “The Spot” last year, I had no idea this summer would mean me taking off for West Virginia.

Before I left for college I remember thinking I was so excited to see what all was out there. I had always known Angola (A-town) but life had to stretch beyond the “Land of 101 lakes.” Well when the time came to go to school, I realized what it meant to be homesick. It definitely helped knowing that Christi was at school, and we started right up with softball so thankfully, I didn’t have a bunch of time to mope around.

No surprise here, I was a social butterfly my freshman year. I made a lot of friends AND had the BEST unit on campus. It was an incredible experience, and I knew Indiana Wesleyan University had been the right choice for me. Last summer after our softball season ended, our team went on a missions’ trip to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Who knew how much this would prepare me for what I am about to encounter this summer. This most recent trip bumped my count for going on mission trips up to a whopping 2 trips, but my passion for serving the Lord on the mission field exploded. I knew I wanted to help others experience how life changing it can be to see other’s come to know Christ.

Less than a year later, that opportunity has come. This summer I am going to be working with YouthWorks, leading teens in their endeavors to REALLY meet with God. It is scary to think that God has such stretching plans for me but I am confident that this is where I am supposed to be. For me, the hiring process at YouthWorks was smooth. Just recently I found out that over 2200 people apply for these positions and only 300 are hired. Wow. Thank you Lord for such wonderful confirmation!

Even though I know YW is the right move for me this summer, nerves have been consuming me. I think this is because of the ways I was truly blessed down at school this year. The fun never seemed to stop. The best part however, was that along with a bunch of laughs, God blessed me with a group of friends that is fun but focused on Christ. Something I had been praying for, the Lord just seemed to give in abundance.

I made it home on Tuesday and like I said, packing has been the story of my life. On Sunday, Steve & Jodie and I will be saying hasta luego to A-town. We will head to Pennsylvania, where they will drop me off in Philadelphia for a week of training. From there I will head to Lincoln County, West Virginia for the rest of the summer. I have never been to West Virginia so it will definitely be an adventure!

I think the most qualified thing worth sharing is Jodie’s response to hearing about my placement. On the phone I told her:

“Mom! I just found out my placement. It says I’m in the Appalachia Mountains in Lincoln County, West Virginia.”

Silently I waited for her response.

It was short, and exclamatory…



  1. Ha ha!! That is such a mom response! I can just hear her saying that.
    Love you and will be praying for you. Miss you already!
    I can't wait to hear more about everything that goes on.

  2. Good luck, girlie! WV is a pretty state though a lot of sad towns/people there. I'll be praying that God works through you daily! Love!

  3. Haley, love the blog idea! I was just touched by The Truth Project video recently that emphasized just how much value God places on the needy and outcast. You will be used greatly in WV as His hands and feet, I'm sure.

    God Bless!

  4. YEA HALEY!!! This summer for you and this blog is awesome. Props. I will be praying for you this summer... you can count on it! much love

  5. Hey Haley... great idea with the blog! I was really excited to hear about you going to WV this past weekend. Looking forward to keeping up with all your happenings via the blog. We'll be praying for you too!!! God bless... and have FUN too!

  6. Well.... I tried to be first on this thing but technology got the best of me. I guess I'll settle for 6th. psh. My comment was.... WHAT ARE YOU DOING! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GETTING PACKED!

  7. that is just sweet! what's cool is that i was just talking to an iwu friend of mine who has done that the last couple of summers and is now going to be down there too this summer...he's working on his own this time with the YMCA or some kind of sports program i don't know what i'm talking about, but you might know him--Andy Bautz.'ll be awesome!! I know you will have a blast!

  8. Hey Hales, Wow girl have u been busy! Life is filled with adventures! I loved getting to know you at school and through softball this year. Now you are off following God and ready to use the talents he has given you for ministry. I can't wait to hear how God uses you and what he is going to teach as well. O and btw the quote by Jodi--priceless. Now don't come back with a body cast (right hand). Thanks for the times of laughter this yr and the encouragement/leadership. Have fun and keep us updated.

    Laura S.
